간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!

16:8 보다도, 24시간단식 보다도 더 강도 높은 격일 단식법의 실질적인 실천방법, 효과적인 팁들, 그리고 적정 기간과 횟수에 대해서 살펴 보았습니다.<br /> <br /> 킴스헬스톡에서는 새롭게 발견된 건강과 관련된 알아두면 좋을 만한 정보들을 쉽게 정리해서 바로바로 전해 드리고 있습니다.<br /> e-mail: kimshealthtalk@gmail.com (영상 관련 질문은 댓글로만 받습니다)<br /> <br /> 참고문헌/자료<br /> - Moore, J., and J. Fung. 2016. The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting: Victory Belt Publishing.<br /> - Thompson, C. 2018. The Art of Intermittent Fasting: How to Lose Weight, Shed Fat, and Live a Healthier Life: Independently Published.<br /> - Hoddy, K. K., Kroeger, C. M., Trepanowski, J. F., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S., &amp; Varady, K. A. (2014). Meal timing during alternate day fasting: Impact on body weight and cardiovascular disease risk in obese adults. Obesity, 22(12), 2524-2531.<br /> - Varady, K. A., Hoddy, K. K., Kroeger, C. M., Trepanowski, J. F., Klempel, M. C., Barnosky, A., &amp; Bhutani, S. (2016). Determinants of weight loss success with alternate day fasting. Obesity research &amp; clinical practice, 10(4), 476-480.<br /> - Catenacci, V. A., Pan, Z., Ostendorf, D., Brannon, S., Gozansky, W. S., Mattson, M. P., ... &amp; Troy Donahoo, W. (2016). A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity. Obesity, 24(9), 1874-1883.<br /> - <a href="https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/alternate-day-fasting-guide#section7" title="https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/alternate-day-fasting-guide#section7" target='_blank'>https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/alternate-day-fasting-guide#section7</a><i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!
Video date 2019/03/13 19:00
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간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!
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간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!
08:31간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!
간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!
16:8 보다도, 24시간단식 보다도 더 강도 높은 격일 단식법의 실질적인 실천방법, 효과적인 팁들, 그리고 적정 기간과 횟수에 대해서 살펴 보았습니다.

킴스헬스톡에서는 새롭게 발견된 건강과 관련된 알아두면 좋을 만한 정보들을 쉽게 정리해서 바로바로 전해 드리고 있습니다.
e-mail: kimshealthtalk@gmail.com (영상 관련 질문은 댓글로만 받습니다)

- Moore, J., and J. Fung. 2016. The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting: Victory Belt Publishing.
- Thompson, C. 2018. The Art of Intermittent Fasting: How to Lose Weight, Shed Fat, and Live a Healthier Life: Independently Published.
- Hoddy, K. K., Kroeger, C. M., Trepanowski, J. F., Barnosky, A., Bhutani, S., & Varady, K. A. (2014). Meal timing during alternate day fasting: Impact on body weight and cardiovascular disease risk in obese adults. Obesity, 22(12), 2524-2531.
- Varady, K. A., Hoddy, K. K., Kroeger, C. M., Trepanowski, J. F., Klempel, M. C., Barnosky, A., & Bhutani, S. (2016). Determinants of weight loss success with alternate day fasting. Obesity research & clinical practice, 10(4), 476-480.
- Catenacci, V. A., Pan, Z., Ostendorf, D., Brannon, S., Gozansky, W. S., Mattson, M. P., ... & Troy Donahoo, W. (2016). A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity. Obesity, 24(9), 1874-1883.
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/alternate-day-fasting-guide#section7
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간헐적 단식: 강력한 체중감소 효과 격일 단식법!
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