The Displacement: Full Story & FAQs answered Tonya Tko

SUBSCRIBE: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> Bold, Courageous &amp; Spiritually Aware, Tonya Tko is the wise &amp; Beautiful Big Sister you’ve always wanted.<br /> <br /> Tonya Tko uplifts you to become the greatest version of yourself using divine wisdom, compassionate caring &amp; beautiful enriching energy. There are questions to which you’ve been seeking answers; longing to step into your greatness. You have a nagging feeling inside that you’re not living up to your full potential. Your dreams are stuck inside of you, and you can’t seem to fulfill them because money is one of your main concerns. You wish you had the money to travel and enjoy life, but you don’t see how you can when sometimes you have trouble making the ends meet some months. You don’t feel appreciated at work or home and you feel unfulfilled in your personal life. You know that soulmate love is out there but you keep repeating the same relationship pattern over and over and are ready to make a change. You wish you had a tribe of likeminded people with whom you could vibe, grow and motivate one another.<br /> <br /> “After a Near Death Experience, Tonya’s Self-Love message attracted more than 300,000 followers.”<br /> During a Near Death Experience in 2007, Tonya realized there was more to life than she previously thought. She came out of the NDE changed. She had been a world traveler and graphic designer when she put it all aside and created her YouTube channel while she was in recovery. She made a wide array of uplifting content until one day, responding to letters from people in distress, she made a video about loving yourself and her channel exploded into 25,000 subscribers. Today she has over 300,000 social media followers, is a transformational author, Life Coach and certified Master Hypnotist who uses NLP, the Law of Attraction and intuitive life coaching to help you change your life. Tonya helps you attract the life of your dreams with abundant money, passionate fulfilling love, and the knowledge/courage to go after your dreams.<br /> <br /> “Living in her car made Tonya put her lessons of Self-Love into Action. LIVE!”<br /> In 2009 Tonya Tko created TkoSkin®, organic, all-natural, skin care products grossing multiple six figures for five years and changing the organic handmade skincare market. In 2014 after appearing on Good morning Texas Tonya decided to make the bold, courageous and “crazy” move to close TkoSkin to follow her dreams of the Tonya Tko Show. Tonya’s vision is creating a transformational show helping people change their lives with speed-coaching and rapid hypnosis, but after reaching Hollywood and hitting a stumbling block, Tonya ended up lived in her car. During her displacement, she stayed fully committed to actualizing her dream. The year of living in her car taught her to put into action the principles of Self-Love she had been teaching online for 8 years and the outline for her first book was effortlessly birthed “How to Love Yourself Even When There Seems No Reason To.” Living in her car taught Tonya a new compassion for people feeling stuck in a cycle without consciously knowing how to get out of it. From her car she honed the power of self-hypnosis, Manifestion and the Law of Attraction to rise out of her car to buying her perfect home, writing 3 books, creating an online community of like minded knockouts and going on an international transformational love tour.<br /> <br /> <br /> “After her mother’s death Tonya learned the lessons of Love, Sex &amp; Self Esteem the hard way, so you don’t have to.”<br /> Tonya Walks her Talk with knowledge, wisdom, compassion and open-mindedness to help you create the life of your dreams. Tonya Tko is the embodiment of compassion, love and strength. She has lived through many storms, attributing her “Big Sister” aura to her mother’s death in Tonya’s teen years. She had to learn many lessons about Love, Sex &amp; Self Esteem the Hard Way. Which is the subtitle for her second book “Lessons From a Motherless Child.” Tonya uses the lamp of her knowledge as a beacon to help guide you to the life of your dreams. She is humorous, captivating and real – She touches your heart, and invigorates your soul guiding you to see the light in your tunnel. It truly feels like you’re connecting with a best friend.<br /> <br /> Tonya Tko is strong, passionate and pours her heart out with content. You will be forever transformed. Give her a chance… better yet, give your SELF a chance. Tonya Tko will change your life forever, so be prepared to face yourself.<br /> <br /> What’s next for Tonya? Her third book: The Good Girl’s Guide to Wild Self Love, places an emphasis on the rise of the divine feminine to heal yourself and the world. Look for the upcoming Goddess Retreat<br /> <br /> <br /> TonyaTko is Media&#039;s #1 Self Love Specialist<br /> <br /> MY SITE: = <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> FACEBOOK: = <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> TWITTER: = <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> INSTAGRAM: = <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /> Please comment rate subscribe<br /> And LOVE YOURSELF<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

The Displacement: Full Story & FAQs answered Tonya Tko
Video date 2018/09/02 01:33
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The Displacement: Full Story & FAQs answered Tonya Tko
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The Displacement: Full Story & FAQs answered Tonya Tko
58:50The Displacement: Full Story & FAQs answered Tonya Tko
The Displacement: Full Story & FAQs answered Tonya Tko
Bold, Courageous & Spiritually Aware, Tonya Tko is the wise & Beautiful Big Sister you’ve always wanted.

Tonya Tko uplifts you to become the greatest version of yourself using divine wisdom, compassionate caring & beautiful enriching energy. There are questions to which you’ve been seeking answers; longing to step into your greatness. You have a nagging feeling inside that you’re not living up to your full potential. Your dreams are stuck inside of you, and you can’t seem to fulfill them because money is one of your main concerns. You wish you had the money to travel and enjoy life, but you don’t see how you can when sometimes you have trouble making the ends meet some months. You don’t feel appreciated at work or home and you feel unfulfilled in your personal life. You know that soulmate love is out there but you keep repeating the same relationship pattern over and over and are ready to make a change. You wish you had a tribe of likeminded people with whom you could vibe, grow and motivate one another.

“After a Near Death Experience, Tonya’s Self-Love message attracted more than 300,000 followers.”
During a Near Death Experience in 2007, Tonya realized there was more to life than she previously thought. She came out of the NDE changed. She had been a world traveler and graphic designer when she put it all aside and created her YouTube channel while she was in recovery. She made a wide array of uplifting content until one day, responding to letters from people in distress, she made a video about loving yourself and her channel exploded into 25,000 subscribers. Today she has over 300,000 social media followers, is a transformational author, Life Coach and certified Master Hypnotist who uses NLP, the Law of Attraction and intuitive life coaching to help you change your life. Tonya helps you attract the life of your dreams with abundant money, passionate fulfilling love, and the knowledge/courage to go after your dreams.

“Living in her car made Tonya put her lessons of Self-Love into Action. LIVE!”
In 2009 Tonya Tko created TkoSkin®, organic, all-natural, skin care products grossing multiple six figures for five years and changing the organic handmade skincare market. In 2014 after appearing on Good morning Texas Tonya decided to make the bold, courageous and “crazy” move to close TkoSkin to follow her dreams of the Tonya Tko Show. Tonya’s vision is creating a transformational show helping people change their lives with speed-coaching and rapid hypnosis, but after reaching Hollywood and hitting a stumbling block, Tonya ended up lived in her car. During her displacement, she stayed fully committed to actualizing her dream. The year of living in her car taught her to put into action the principles of Self-Love she had been teaching online for 8 years and the outline for her first book was effortlessly birthed “How to Love Yourself Even When There Seems No Reason To.” Living in her car taught Tonya a new compassion for people feeling stuck in a cycle without consciously knowing how to get out of it. From her car she honed the power of self-hypnosis, Manifestion and the Law of Attraction to rise out of her car to buying her perfect home, writing 3 books, creating an online community of like minded knockouts and going on an international transformational love tour.

“After her mother’s death Tonya learned the lessons of Love, Sex & Self Esteem the hard way, so you don’t have to.”
Tonya Walks her Talk with knowledge, wisdom, compassion and open-mindedness to help you create the life of your dreams. Tonya Tko is the embodiment of compassion, love and strength. She has lived through many storms, attributing her “Big Sister” aura to her mother’s death in Tonya’s teen years. She had to learn many lessons about Love, Sex & Self Esteem the Hard Way. Which is the subtitle for her second book “Lessons From a Motherless Child.” Tonya uses the lamp of her knowledge as a beacon to help guide you to the life of your dreams. She is humorous, captivating and real – She touches your heart, and invigorates your soul guiding you to see the light in your tunnel. It truly feels like you’re connecting with a best friend.

Tonya Tko is strong, passionate and pours her heart out with content. You will be forever transformed. Give her a chance… better yet, give your SELF a chance. Tonya Tko will change your life forever, so be prepared to face yourself.

What’s next for Tonya? Her third book: The Good Girl’s Guide to Wild Self Love, places an emphasis on the rise of the divine feminine to heal yourself and the world. Look for the upcoming Goddess Retreat

TonyaTko is Media's #1 Self Love Specialist


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