Power Jumper - Action,Arcade,Jump&Run

Play Power Jumper for free and help Coco the cute parrot to collect his favorite food in this fantastic platform game. Coco is hungry and Coco will not settle for anything less than his favorite food - red, juicy melons. Now it is your turn to make the poor bird arrive safely and allow him to satisfy his hunger. But be aware, once the little bird is up in the air you have very limited control. Make sure to take enough run-up and gain some momentum, then jump and try to collect as many stars as possible on your way to the melon. Help Coco now and experience fun for hours!<br /><i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

Power Jumper - Action,Arcade,Jump&Run
Last tagged 2019/02/08 16:37
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Power Jumper - Action,Arcade,Jump&Run
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Power Jumper - Action,Arcade,Jump&Run
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#Power Jumper 1
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Play Power Jumper for free and help Coco the cute parrot to collect his favorite food in this fantastic platform game. Coco is hungry and Coco will not settle for anything less than his favorite food - red, juicy melons. Now it is your turn to make the poor bird arrive safely and allow him to satisfy his hunger. But be aware, once the little bird is up in the air you have very limited control. Make sure to take enough run-up and gain some momentum, then jump and try to collect as many stars as possible on your way to the melon. Help Coco now and experience fun for hours!
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Power Jumper - Action,Arcade,Jump&Run
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