No Dots - Arcade,Puzzle

No Dots is the quintessential puzzle game where you need ouside-the-box thinking, a colorful and fun brain teaser that is easy to pick up but offers deep and entertaining gameplay for endless hours. On a six by six board you have to place colored badges straight or around the corner and try to create matches of three or more badges of the same color. The more badges you manage to match and remove the more points you score. With time more and more colors will come into play and it will get hard to place them on the board without blocking yourself.<br /> Play No Dots now for free and make sure to cancel your plans for the coming days - you will not able to stop playing!<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

No Dots - Arcade,Puzzle
Last tagged 2019/02/08 16:37
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No Dots - Arcade,Puzzle
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No Dots - Arcade,Puzzle
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#No Dots 1
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No Dots is the quintessential puzzle game where you need ouside-the-box thinking, a colorful and fun brain teaser that is easy to pick up but offers deep and entertaining gameplay for endless hours. On a six by six board you have to place colored badges straight or around the corner and try to create matches of three or more badges of the same color. The more badges you manage to match and remove the more points you score. With time more and more colors will come into play and it will get hard to place them on the board without blocking yourself.
Play No Dots now for free and make sure to cancel your plans for the coming days - you will not able to stop playing!
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No Dots - Arcade,Puzzle
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