촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020

NO.420 오늘 보여드릴 영상은, 거제도에 포근하고 한적한 마을에 자리 잡고 있는 아담한 촌집 물건이 접수되어서 발 빠르게 현장에 다녀왔는데요<br /> 이번 촌집 물건은, 마을 도로를 잘 접하고 있으며 촌집에방향까지 햇볓이 잘 드는, 남향으로 자리 잡고 있어서 포근함을 주는 곳이었습니다.<br /> 그리고 촌집에 대지면적까지, 160평으로 넉넉했는데요<br /> 160평에 넉넉한 마당을 가지고 있는, 촌집에 가격까지 1억 500만원으로, 평당가격으로 환산하면 평당 65만원에 구매하실 수 있어서, 좋았는데요<br /> <br /> 주변 시세 대비에서 땅값만 주고 구매하실 수 있는, 저렴한 촌집 물건입니다.<br /> 그리고 촌집 뒤로는, 산방산이라는 예쁜 동산이 이 마을을 늠름하게 지켜주고 있어서 마음마저 편안해지는 마을이었는데요<br /> 촌집에서 바다까지 거리도 차량으로 5분이면 바다와 낚시도 즐길 수 있으며 마을 뒤로는 등산로도 잘 정비되어있어서 바다와 산을 함께 좋아하시는 분들께도 추천해 드립니다.<br /> <br /> Hello, this is Korean country house.<br /> This is a real estate channel that specializes in introducing country houses and country houses in Korea.<br /> We will try to make you enjoy the most colorful and interesting videos.<br /> If you like the video, please like, subscribe, and set notifications.<br /> Then have a happy day today!<br /> <br /> In today&#039;s video, a small village house located in a cozy and secluded village in Geoje Island was received and quickly went to the site.<br /> This village house was well connected to the village road, and it was a place that gave a sense of coziness because it was located in a south-facing area with good sunlight all the way to the village house.<br /> And from the village house to the land area, it was 160 pyeong, which was plenty.<br /> It was nice to be able to purchase a village house with a spacious yard of 160 pyeong, at a price of 105 million won, and when converted to a price per pyeong, it was 650,000 won per pyeong<br /> <br /> It is an inexpensive village house item that can be purchased for only the land price compared to the surrounding market price.<br /> And behind the village house, a beautiful hill called Sanbangsan protects this village with dignity, so it was a village that made me feel at ease.<br /> The distance from the village house to the sea is 5 minutes by car, and you can enjoy the sea and fishing, and behind the village there is a well-maintained hiking trail, so it is recommended for those who like the sea and mountains together.<br /> <br /> <br /> 전원주택 토지 촌집 단독주택 펜션 카페 타운하우스 분양단지 - 무료촬영<br /> 촬영 접수 및 중개 문의 대표전화 055-632-1020<br /> 우리부동산TV - 거제도부동산 매매 통영부동산 고성부동산 사천부동산 남해부동산 진주부동산 삼천포부동산 여수부동산 경남부동산 전남부동산<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬<br /> <br /> 🌼사무실정보<br /> 상 호: 우리부동산공인중개사사무소<br /> 등록번호: 48310-2021-00016<br /> 개업공인중개사: 유 주 영<br /> 주 소: 경남 거제시 중곡2로4길 5<br /> 동헌아파트 상가 1층<br /> <br /> ✔️문의전화: 055) 632-1020<br /> <br /> ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬<br /> #우리부동산TV #마당넓은촌집 #바다5분<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 📢 [전속중개]<br /> <br /> ▣ 위치: 경상남도 거제시 둔덕면 방하리<br /> Location: Bangha-ri, Dundeok-myeon, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do<br /> <br /> ①. 대 291㎡<br /> ②. 대 241㎡<br /> <br /> ▩. 총면적: 532㎡(160.93)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ▶ 건물정보<br /> 대지면적: 532㎡(160.93)<br /> 연 면 적: 62.24㎡(18.82)<br /> 건폐율: 11.69%. 용적률: 11.69%<br /> 주 용 도: 단독주택<br /> 구 조: 시멘트블록조<br /> 사용승인일자: 2002-06-26<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ※ 상수도,정화조,기름보일러<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ▶ 토지이용계획<br /> 계획관리지역<br /> 가축사육제한구역<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 💎 매도의뢰금액: 1억 500만원 💎 (₩105,000,000)<br /> <br /> <br /> 🌼 문의전화: 055) 632-1020<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ⏩ [무료] 구독하기 - <a href="https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN" title="https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN" target='_blank'>https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN</a><br /> 🔔네이버TV - <a href="https://tv.naver.com/gtvc" title="https://tv.naver.com/gtvc" target='_blank'>https://tv.naver.com/gtvc</a><br /> 🔔블로그(우리부동산TV) - <a href="https://blog.naver.com/ipip83" title="https://blog.naver.com/ipip83" target='_blank'>https://blog.naver.com/ipip83</a><br /> <br /> ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬<br /> <br /> 🎵Music provided by 브금대통령<br /> 🎵Track : 사랑의 연 - <a href="https://youtu.be/v1eemRhj7ww" title="https://youtu.be/v1eemRhj7ww" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/v1eemRhj7ww</a><br /> 🎵Track : 여기서 기다릴게요 - <a href="https://youtu.be/u3BcIy10JTQ" title="https://youtu.be/u3BcIy10JTQ" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/u3BcIy10JTQ</a><br /> 🎵Track : 버들가지 아래서 기다릴게 - <a href="https://youtu.be/8zSc2fEkomk" title="https://youtu.be/8zSc2fEkomk" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/8zSc2fEkomk</a><br /> 🎵Track : Medium Lucky - <a href="https://youtu.be/L1SlVog4mQw" title="https://youtu.be/L1SlVog4mQw" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/L1SlVog4mQw</a><br /> 🎵Track : 당신이 잠든 사이에 - <a href="https://youtu.be/WpWq06wUifY" title="https://youtu.be/WpWq06wUifY" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/WpWq06wUifY</a><br /> 🎵Track : 가을 소풍 - <a href="https://youtu.be/9GWGdtGbbTA" title="https://youtu.be/9GWGdtGbbTA" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/9GWGdtGbbTA</a><br /> 🎵Track : Candy - <a href="https://youtu.be/vfUWb_LdCPw" title="https://youtu.be/vfUWb_LdCPw" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/vfUWb_LdCPw</a><br /> 🎵Track : Power Train - <a href="https://youtu.be/5_pwvUwa1zw" title="https://youtu.be/5_pwvUwa1zw" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/5_pwvUwa1zw</a><br /> 🎵Track : 치킨에게(feat.다이어터) - <a href="https://youtu.be/VZ6CMdYIZ9w" title="https://youtu.be/VZ6CMdYIZ9w" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/VZ6CMdYIZ9w</a><br /> 🎵Track : 곰곰이 생각해보니 내가 곰이네 - <a href="https://youtu.be/bHYHYcBzI7Y" title="https://youtu.be/bHYHYcBzI7Y" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/bHYHYcBzI7Y</a><br /> 🎵Track : Sigorzav - <a href="https://youtu.be/5G0q5n0PCdc" title="https://youtu.be/5G0q5n0PCdc" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/5G0q5n0PCdc</a><br /> 🎵Track : 등짝스매싱 - <a href="https://youtu.be/UNLRynbm7Cc" title="https://youtu.be/UNLRynbm7Cc" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/UNLRynbm7Cc</a><br /> 🎵Track : Christmas with You - <a href="https://youtu.be/QrmZpra1qV8" title="https://youtu.be/QrmZpra1qV8" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/QrmZpra1qV8</a><br /> 🎵Track : 꿈에서 만나 - <a href="https://youtu.be/cCgKi04SuqI" title="https://youtu.be/cCgKi04SuqI" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/cCgKi04SuqI</a><br /> 🎵Track : Inspirational Motivation 2 - <a href="https://youtu.be/IQhBPUsVcNY" title="https://youtu.be/IQhBPUsVcNY" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/IQhBPUsVcNY</a><br /> 🎵Track : 새해에는 - <a href="https://youtu.be/bINZIdlQTj0" title="https://youtu.be/bINZIdlQTj0" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/bINZIdlQTj0</a><br /> 🎵Track : 이루어져라 소원아 - <a href="https://youtu.be/ELRfW1c1FfE" title="https://youtu.be/ELRfW1c1FfE" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/ELRfW1c1FfE</a><br /> 🎵Track : 줄넘기 해요! - <a href="https://youtu.be/-SvtPrGZzIY" title="https://youtu.be/-SvtPrGZzIY" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/-SvtPrGZzIY</a><br /> 🎵Track : Winter Romance - <a href="https://youtu.be/34ULG50ejzg" title="https://youtu.be/34ULG50ejzg" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/34ULG50ejzg</a><br /> 🎵Track : Falling Snow - <a href="https://youtu.be/G1tIunm5eWA" title="https://youtu.be/G1tIunm5eWA" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/G1tIunm5eWA</a><br /> 🎵Track : 지금... 내 마음이 얼음 - <a href="https://youtu.be/UzL80tfA-jk" title="https://youtu.be/UzL80tfA-jk" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/UzL80tfA-jk</a><br /> [아판뮤직] 바램_아트판타지아(ArtFantasia)<br /> 🎵Track : Euro Night - <a href="https://youtu.be/scrgpSeOcBE" title="https://youtu.be/scrgpSeOcBE" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/scrgpSeOcBE</a> <br /> 🎵Track : 겨울에 피는 꽃 - <a href="https://youtu.be/Vmrrd9nONDU" title="https://youtu.be/Vmrrd9nONDU" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/Vmrrd9nONDU</a><br /> 🎵Track : Online Shopping - <a href="https://youtu.be/fj2H07kYR10" title="https://youtu.be/fj2H07kYR10" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/fj2H07kYR10</a><br /> 🎵Track : 룰루~랄라~ - <a href="https://youtu.be/xEAyskB7lfg" title="https://youtu.be/xEAyskB7lfg" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/xEAyskB7lfg</a><br /> 🎵Track : 낙화암 - <a href="https://youtu.be/WjouTMIwfy0" title="https://youtu.be/WjouTMIwfy0" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/WjouTMIwfy0</a><br /> 🎵Track : 여름밤의 꿈 - <a href="https://youtu.be/hC29Vt9u6T0" title="https://youtu.be/hC29Vt9u6T0" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/hC29Vt9u6T0</a><br /> 🎵Track : 또 하루 멀어져 간다 - <a href="https://youtu.be/rHfCiIs0MBM" title="https://youtu.be/rHfCiIs0MBM" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/rHfCiIs0MBM</a><br /> 🎵Track : 꼬물꼬물 - <a href="https://youtu.be/oXc3PhIeeoE" title="https://youtu.be/oXc3PhIeeoE" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/oXc3PhIeeoE</a><br /> 🎵Track : 날아라 슈퍼코기 - <a href="https://youtu.be/PZlQXsEPJ6M" title="https://youtu.be/PZlQXsEPJ6M" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/PZlQXsEPJ6M</a><br /> 🎵Track : I AM PRESIDENT - <a href="https://youtu.be/T0Tbgwweq_0" title="https://youtu.be/T0Tbgwweq_0" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/T0Tbgwweq_0</a><br /> <br /> <br /> ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
Video date 2022/11/19 09:30
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촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
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촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
12:16촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
NO.420 오늘 보여드릴 영상은, 거제도에 포근하고 한적한 마을에 자리 잡고 있는 아담한 촌집 물건이 접수되어서 발 빠르게 현장에 다녀왔는데요
이번 촌집 물건은, 마을 도로를 잘 접하고 있으며 촌집에방향까지 햇볓이 잘 드는, 남향으로 자리 잡고 있어서 포근함을 주는 곳이었습니다.
그리고 촌집에 대지면적까지, 160평으로 넉넉했는데요
160평에 넉넉한 마당을 가지고 있는, 촌집에 가격까지 1억 500만원으로, 평당가격으로 환산하면 평당 65만원에 구매하실 수 있어서, 좋았는데요

주변 시세 대비에서 땅값만 주고 구매하실 수 있는, 저렴한 촌집 물건입니다.
그리고 촌집 뒤로는, 산방산이라는 예쁜 동산이 이 마을을 늠름하게 지켜주고 있어서 마음마저 편안해지는 마을이었는데요
촌집에서 바다까지 거리도 차량으로 5분이면 바다와 낚시도 즐길 수 있으며 마을 뒤로는 등산로도 잘 정비되어있어서 바다와 산을 함께 좋아하시는 분들께도 추천해 드립니다.

Hello, this is Korean country house.
This is a real estate channel that specializes in introducing country houses and country houses in Korea.
We will try to make you enjoy the most colorful and interesting videos.
If you like the video, please like, subscribe, and set notifications.
Then have a happy day today!

In today's video, a small village house located in a cozy and secluded village in Geoje Island was received and quickly went to the site.
This village house was well connected to the village road, and it was a place that gave a sense of coziness because it was located in a south-facing area with good sunlight all the way to the village house.
And from the village house to the land area, it was 160 pyeong, which was plenty.
It was nice to be able to purchase a village house with a spacious yard of 160 pyeong, at a price of 105 million won, and when converted to a price per pyeong, it was 650,000 won per pyeong

It is an inexpensive village house item that can be purchased for only the land price compared to the surrounding market price.
And behind the village house, a beautiful hill called Sanbangsan protects this village with dignity, so it was a village that made me feel at ease.
The distance from the village house to the sea is 5 minutes by car, and you can enjoy the sea and fishing, and behind the village there is a well-maintained hiking trail, so it is recommended for those who like the sea and mountains together.

전원주택 토지 촌집 단독주택 펜션 카페 타운하우스 분양단지 - 무료촬영
촬영 접수 및 중개 문의 대표전화 055-632-1020
우리부동산TV - 거제도부동산 매매 통영부동산 고성부동산 사천부동산 남해부동산 진주부동산 삼천포부동산 여수부동산 경남부동산 전남부동산


상 호: 우리부동산공인중개사사무소
등록번호: 48310-2021-00016
개업공인중개사: 유 주 영
주 소: 경남 거제시 중곡2로4길 5
동헌아파트 상가 1층

✔️문의전화: 055) 632-1020

#우리부동산TV #마당넓은촌집 #바다5분

📢 [전속중개]

▣ 위치: 경상남도 거제시 둔덕면 방하리
Location: Bangha-ri, Dundeok-myeon, Geoje-si, Gyeongsangnam-do

①. 대 291㎡
②. 대 241㎡

▩. 총면적: 532㎡(160.93)

▶ 건물정보
대지면적: 532㎡(160.93)
연 면 적: 62.24㎡(18.82)
건폐율: 11.69%. 용적률: 11.69%
주 용 도: 단독주택
구 조: 시멘트블록조
사용승인일자: 2002-06-26

※ 상수도,정화조,기름보일러

▶ 토지이용계획

💎 매도의뢰금액: 1억 500만원 💎 (₩105,000,000)

🌼 문의전화: 055) 632-1020

⏩ [무료] 구독하기 - https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN
🔔네이버TV - https://tv.naver.com/gtvc
🔔블로그(우리부동산TV) - https://blog.naver.com/ipip83


🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 사랑의 연 - https://youtu.be/v1eemRhj7ww
🎵Track : 여기서 기다릴게요 - https://youtu.be/u3BcIy10JTQ
🎵Track : 버들가지 아래서 기다릴게 - https://youtu.be/8zSc2fEkomk
🎵Track : Medium Lucky - https://youtu.be/L1SlVog4mQw
🎵Track : 당신이 잠든 사이에 - https://youtu.be/WpWq06wUifY
🎵Track : 가을 소풍 - https://youtu.be/9GWGdtGbbTA
🎵Track : Candy - https://youtu.be/vfUWb_LdCPw
🎵Track : Power Train - https://youtu.be/5_pwvUwa1zw
🎵Track : 치킨에게(feat.다이어터) - https://youtu.be/VZ6CMdYIZ9w
🎵Track : 곰곰이 생각해보니 내가 곰이네 - https://youtu.be/bHYHYcBzI7Y
🎵Track : Sigorzav - https://youtu.be/5G0q5n0PCdc
🎵Track : 등짝스매싱 - https://youtu.be/UNLRynbm7Cc
🎵Track : Christmas with You - https://youtu.be/QrmZpra1qV8
🎵Track : 꿈에서 만나 - https://youtu.be/cCgKi04SuqI
🎵Track : Inspirational Motivation 2 - https://youtu.be/IQhBPUsVcNY
🎵Track : 새해에는 - https://youtu.be/bINZIdlQTj0
🎵Track : 이루어져라 소원아 - https://youtu.be/ELRfW1c1FfE
🎵Track : 줄넘기 해요! - https://youtu.be/-SvtPrGZzIY
🎵Track : Winter Romance - https://youtu.be/34ULG50ejzg
🎵Track : Falling Snow - https://youtu.be/G1tIunm5eWA
🎵Track : 지금... 내 마음이 얼음 - https://youtu.be/UzL80tfA-jk
[아판뮤직] 바램_아트판타지아(ArtFantasia)
🎵Track : Euro Night - https://youtu.be/scrgpSeOcBE
🎵Track : 겨울에 피는 꽃 - https://youtu.be/Vmrrd9nONDU
🎵Track : Online Shopping - https://youtu.be/fj2H07kYR10
🎵Track : 룰루~랄라~ - https://youtu.be/xEAyskB7lfg
🎵Track : 낙화암 - https://youtu.be/WjouTMIwfy0
🎵Track : 여름밤의 꿈 - https://youtu.be/hC29Vt9u6T0
🎵Track : 또 하루 멀어져 간다 - https://youtu.be/rHfCiIs0MBM
🎵Track : 꼬물꼬물 - https://youtu.be/oXc3PhIeeoE
🎵Track : 날아라 슈퍼코기 - https://youtu.be/PZlQXsEPJ6M
🎵Track : I AM PRESIDENT - https://youtu.be/T0Tbgwweq_0

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촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
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232322 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgdPfk_3VSc 촌집매매) #땅값만_받겠습니다 #거제도촌집 마당넓은 촌집_바다5분_country house with large yard_(NO.420)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020 3
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439825 거제도촌집
342919 420
439827 촌집매매
469540 거제촌집매매
662544 우리부동산tv
625165 055-632-1020
671697 yard_
373170 Large
259794 house
671696 촌집_바다5분_country
585530 마당넓
490481 욕지도
7254 거제시
500655 거제시촌집매매
474858 사등면
583668 한산도촌집
609583 욕지도촌집매매
2565 임대
439916 촌집
568674 농가빈집임대
522293 경남고성촌집매매
12608 바닷가
306488 거제도전원주택
445457 싼땅
343590 구해줘
469539 거제도촌집매매
666794 바다조망 전원주택매매. 에어비앤비. 민박. 독채펜션. 해수욕장_도보1분. 텃밭. 전용주차공간_통영시부동산_(NO.435)_[우리부동산tv] 055-632-1020
490705 외간리신축전원주택매매
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