☕️ 뭐지? 나 스타벅스 언제왔지? 🤭 l 중간 광고 없는❗️ 매장 음악, 카페 음악 l starbucks jazz piano music

.<br /> -𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘚𝘶𝘣𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦!<br /> <br /> <br /> 🌈𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭🌈<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="0" title="Blame it on my youth">00:00</span> Blame it on my youth<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="337" title="Softly as in a morning sunrise">05:37</span> Softly as in a morning sunrise<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="605" title="Salut d’amour(사랑의 인사)">10:05</span> Salut d’amour(사랑의 인사)<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="885" title="You’d be so nice to come home to">14:45</span> You’d be so nice to come home to<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="1183" title="I fall in love too easily">19:43</span> I fall in love too easily<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="1703" title="Summertime">28:23</span> Summertime<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="1972" title="Four">32:52</span> Four<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="2163" title="Blue room">36:03</span> Blue room<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="2371" title="But not for me">39:31</span> But not for me<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="2626" title="It could write a book">43:46</span> It could write a book<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="3012" title="Sandu">50:12</span> Sandu <br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="3234" title="Beautiful love">53:54</span> Beautiful love<br /> <br /> <br /> 🔺 Christmas Carol Jazz Piano Music<br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/7rFtdZv4AZY" title="https://youtu.be/7rFtdZv4AZY" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/7rFtdZv4AZY</a><br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/QiEac4VWZgg" title="https://youtu.be/QiEac4VWZgg" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/QiEac4VWZgg</a><br /> <br /> <br /> 🔺 Christmas Carol Jazz Guitar Music<br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/tEm9EyEPMYM" title="https://youtu.be/tEm9EyEPMYM" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/tEm9EyEPMYM</a><br /> <br /> 🔺Cafe Jazz Music<br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM" title="https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM</a><br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/q2FH7ioAE1A" title="https://youtu.be/q2FH7ioAE1A" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/q2FH7ioAE1A</a><br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/tDicxK16WOo" title="https://youtu.be/tDicxK16WOo" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/tDicxK16WOo</a><br /> <br /> 🔺New Orleans Jazz Music<br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM" title="https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM</a><br /> <br /> 🔺Movie OST (외국영화 OST 피아노 모음)<br /> ➡️ <a href="https://youtu.be/qo5D7tkzMKs" title="https://youtu.be/qo5D7tkzMKs" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/qo5D7tkzMKs</a><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ✔️모든 음원은 직접 연주한 음원입니다.<br /> All songs are songs that I played myself. <br /> <br /> ✔️‘MONKEYBGM&#039; 의 모든 음원은 본 채널 외 사용 불가합니다.<br /> All songs at ‘MONKEYBGM&#039; are properly licensed and protected. They cannot be used out of this channel nor as BGM for 3rd parties&#039; content.<br /> <br /> ✔️다운로드 및 사용 가능한 음악은 [Free Download] 재생목록에서 받으실 수 있습니다.<br /> Downloadable music is available in the [Free Download] playlist.<br /> <br /> ✔️’BGM 제작 및 구매, 사용, 협업 문의’ 는 아래 메일로 문의주세요 :) <br /> Please contact the email below for &#039;Inquiries on BGM production, purchase, use, and collaboration&#039;. :)<br /> <br /> <br /> © Music&amp;Video By MONKEYBGM<br /> <br /> <br /> 📪Business Contact<br /> ▪︎E-mail : Monkeysounddesign@gmail.com<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

☕️ 뭐지? 나 스타벅스 언제왔지? 🤭 l 중간 광고 없는❗️ 매장 음악, 카페 음악 l starbucks jazz piano music
Video date 2021/09/06 14:31
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☕️ 뭐지? 나 스타벅스 언제왔지? 🤭 l 중간 광고 없는❗️ 매장 음악, 카페 음악 l starbucks jazz piano music
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☕️ 뭐지? 나 스타벅스 언제왔지? 🤭 l 중간 광고 없는❗️ 매장 음악, 카페 음악 l starbucks jazz piano music
06:03:11☕️ 뭐지? 나 스타벅스 언제왔지? 🤭 l 중간 광고 없는❗️ 매장 음악, 카페 음악 l starbucks jazz piano music
05:37Blame it on my youth 04:28Softly as in a morning sunrise 04:40Salut d’amour(사랑의 인사) 04:58You’d be so nice to come home to 08:40I fall in love too easily 04:29Summertime 03:11Four 03:28Blue room 04:15But not for me 06:26It could write a book 03:42Sandu 05:09:17Beautiful love
☕️ 뭐지? 나 스타벅스 언제왔지? 🤭 l 중간 광고 없는❗️ 매장 음악, 카페 음악 l starbucks jazz piano music
-𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘚𝘶𝘣𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦!

🌈𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭🌈
00:00 Blame it on my youth
05:37 Softly as in a morning sunrise
10:05 Salut d’amour(사랑의 인사)
14:45 You’d be so nice to come home to
19:43 I fall in love too easily
28:23 Summertime
32:52 Four
36:03 Blue room
39:31 But not for me
43:46 It could write a book
50:12 Sandu
53:54 Beautiful love

🔺 Christmas Carol Jazz Piano Music
➡️ https://youtu.be/7rFtdZv4AZY
➡️ https://youtu.be/QiEac4VWZgg

🔺 Christmas Carol Jazz Guitar Music
➡️ https://youtu.be/tEm9EyEPMYM

🔺Cafe Jazz Music
➡️ https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM
➡️ https://youtu.be/q2FH7ioAE1A
➡️ https://youtu.be/tDicxK16WOo

🔺New Orleans Jazz Music
➡️ https://youtu.be/iO-dnOPtrWM

🔺Movie OST (외국영화 OST 피아노 모음)
➡️ https://youtu.be/qo5D7tkzMKs

✔️모든 음원은 직접 연주한 음원입니다.
All songs are songs that I played myself.

✔️‘MONKEYBGM' 의 모든 음원은 본 채널 외 사용 불가합니다.
All songs at ‘MONKEYBGM' are properly licensed and protected. They cannot be used out of this channel nor as BGM for 3rd parties' content.

✔️다운로드 및 사용 가능한 음악은 [Free Download] 재생목록에서 받으실 수 있습니다.
Downloadable music is available in the [Free Download] playlist.

✔️’BGM 제작 및 구매, 사용, 협업 문의’ 는 아래 메일로 문의주세요 :)
Please contact the email below for 'Inquiries on BGM production, purchase, use, and collaboration'. :)

© Music&Video By MONKEYBGM

📪Business Contact
▪︎E-mail : Monkeysounddesign@gmail.com
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