[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822

📢부동산정보는 아래 (더보기)를 클릭해주세요 ^^<br /> 🌼거제도 전원주택, 촌집, 땅콩주택, 농막, 거제도땅, 토지, 펜션, 아파트<br /> ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓여기를 클릭하시면 보실수 있습니다.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ⏩ [무료] 구독하기 - <a href="https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN" title="https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN" target='_blank'>https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN</a><br /> 🔔네이버TV - <a href="https://tv.naver.com/gtvc" title="https://tv.naver.com/gtvc" target='_blank'>https://tv.naver.com/gtvc</a><br /> 🔔블로그(거제도이선비) - <a href="https://blog.naver.com/ipip83" title="https://blog.naver.com/ipip83" target='_blank'>https://blog.naver.com/ipip83</a><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬<br /> #우리부동산 #거제도펜션 #바다걸어서2분<br /> <br /> <br /> 📢 [전속중개]<br /> ▣ 위치: 경상남도 거제시 일운면 망치리 <br /> <br /> 지목: 대<br /> 면적: 178㎡ ( 54.43py )<br /> 개별공시지가: 410,700원<br /> (단위면적(㎡)당 산정가격임.)<br /> <br /> ▶ 건축물정보<br /> 대지면적: 178㎡ ( 54.43py )<br /> 연 면 적: 163.7㎡ ( 49.51py )<br /> 1층__83.7㎡(25)<br /> 2층__ 80㎡(24)<br /> 건폐율 49.83% / 용적률 91.97%<br /> 주 용 도: 단독주택<br /> 구 조: 일반목구조<br /> 사용승인일자: 2005년 01월<br /> <br /> ▶ 계획관리지역<br /> 자연취락지구<br /> 가축사육제한구역(모든축종제한)<br /> 역사문화환경보존지역<br /> 중점경관관리구역<br /> <br /> <br /> 💎 매도의뢰금액: 2억9,500만원 💎<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -----------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> ▣ 문의전화<br /> 코아루공인중개사사무소<br /> 등록번호: 제48310-2016-00016호<br /> 개업공인중개사: 하 효 주<br /> 소재지: 경남 거제시 일운면 지세포1길 27<br /> 문의전화: 055) 681-8822<br /> <br /> -----------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> 📢BGM [음원출처표기]<br /> ✔️Track - Lions Deep - would you wait for me<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/li0nsd33p" title="https://soundcloud.com/li0nsd33p" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/li0nsd33p</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Alexander Nakarada - Swingin Ballad<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios" title="https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Alexander Nakarada - For the Last Time<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios" title="https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - NottyVonDutch™ - Lofi &amp; Chill<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/nottyvondutch" title="https://soundcloud.com/nottyvondutch" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/nottyvondutch</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Dr.SonSet - Stop, Rest and Breathe<br /> ✔️YouTube - <a href="https://youtu.be/uEgpawaIBYQ" title="https://youtu.be/uEgpawaIBYQ" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/uEgpawaIBYQ</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - NEFFEX - Blow Up<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="http://bit.ly/NEFFEX_SC" title="http://bit.ly/NEFFEX_SC" target='_blank'>http://bit.ly/NEFFEX_SC</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - DJ LeGenD - Again<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/djlegend04" title="https://soundcloud.com/djlegend04" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/djlegend04</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - DayFox&amp;VladGluschenko - Waterfalls<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/dayfox" title="https://soundcloud.com/dayfox" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/dayfox</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Vendredi - Landscape lover<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo" title="https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Roa - Walk Around<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031" title="https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Vendredi - A night in Paris<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo" title="https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - VoiceMessage - Black Sea<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://www.soundcloud.com/voicemessage" title="https://www.soundcloud.com/voicemessage" target='_blank'>https://www.soundcloud.com/voicemessage</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - 작곡일기 트리오 - Autumn Bossa<br /> ✔️YouTube - <a href="https://youtu.be/vmnnuyMQBIs" title="https://youtu.be/vmnnuyMQBIs" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/vmnnuyMQBIs</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - LiQWYD - Rosé Sky<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://www.soundcloud.com/liqwyd" title="https://www.soundcloud.com/liqwyd" target='_blank'>https://www.soundcloud.com/liqwyd</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Jarico - Island<br /> ✔️Soundcloud -<a href="https://soundcloud.com/jaricomusic" title="https://soundcloud.com/jaricomusic" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/jaricomusic</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Le Gang - Mexicana en Lelé<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/thisislegang" title="https://soundcloud.com/thisislegang" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/thisislegang</a><br /> <br /> ★Track - Blue.P - Mist<br /> ➤LogSquare - <a href="https://youtu.be/qYlcmS6cgIk" title="https://youtu.be/qYlcmS6cgIk" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/qYlcmS6cgIk</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Vexento - Space Ride<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/vexento/tracks" title="https://soundcloud.com/vexento/tracks" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/vexento/tracks</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Yannic - Blush<br /> ✔️YouTube - <a href="https://youtu.be/qLVVxOsuUcc" title="https://youtu.be/qLVVxOsuUcc" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/qLVVxOsuUcc</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - The Inspiration - Inspiring Cinematic Music<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon" title="https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon</a><br /> <br /> ✔️로열티 프리 음악 작곡가 : Benjamin Tissot (Bensound라고도 함)<br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Scott Buckley - &#039;Ashes of a Fallen Year&#039;<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="http://bit.ly/2iAj8Vy" title="http://bit.ly/2iAj8Vy" target='_blank'>http://bit.ly/2iAj8Vy</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - TeknoAXE&#039;s - Warm by the Fire<br /> ✔️YouTube - <a href="https://youtu.be/tRObcSVCI-I" title="https://youtu.be/tRObcSVCI-I" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/tRObcSVCI-I</a><br /> <br /> ➤Track - Scott Buckley - growingup<br /> ➤Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley" title="https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley</a><br /> <br /> ➤Track - DizNiya - A Bloom<br /> ➤Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/niya90s" title="https://soundcloud.com/niya90s" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/niya90s</a><br /> <br /> Snowy_Day3 by PeriTune | <a href="http://peritune.com" title="http://peritune.com" target='_blank'>http://peritune.com</a><br /> Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)<br /> <br /> ✔️Track - DayFox - Light_Palace<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/dayfox" title="https://soundcloud.com/dayfox" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/dayfox</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - 작곡하는김의홍 - &#039;홍엽(紅葉)&#039;<br /> ✔️YouTube - <a href="https://youtu.be/StWmPfUIBOY" title="https://youtu.be/StWmPfUIBOY" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/StWmPfUIBOY</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Twisterium - Eternal Love<br /> ✔️Homepaage - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/twisterium" title="https://www.patreon.com/twisterium" target='_blank'>https://www.patreon.com/twisterium</a><br /> <br /> ✔️Track - Will Brave - Inspiring Cinematic Music<br /> ✔️Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon" title="https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon</a><br /> <br /> ➤Track - DizNiya - A Bloom<br /> ➤Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/niya90s" title="https://soundcloud.com/niya90s" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/niya90s</a><br /> <br /> BGM출처<br /> ➤Track - Khamix - Exura<br /> ➤Soundcloud - <a href="https://soundcloud.com/khamixmusic" title="https://soundcloud.com/khamixmusic" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/khamixmusic</a><br /> ➤나눔뮤직 - <a href="https://tv.naver.com/v/9398936" title="https://tv.naver.com/v/9398936" target='_blank'>https://tv.naver.com/v/9398936</a><br /> <br /> HOW ARE YOU - 김재영 <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B32FHQ" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B32FHQ" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B32FHQ</a><br /> Music Playlist by <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM</a><br /> <br /> Morning Kiss - 김현정 <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B330NO" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B330NO" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B330NO</a><br /> Music Playlist by <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM</a><br /> <br /> Standing on the mountain top - 임샛별 <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B331ZJ" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B331ZJ" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B331ZJ</a><br /> Music Playlist by <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM</a><br /> <br /> 고향의 봄 - 조은님 편곡 <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B332QK" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B332QK" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B332QK</a><br /> Music Playlist by <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM</a><br /> <br /> On the hill - 임샛별 <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B333EI" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B333EI" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B333EI</a><br /> Music Playlist by <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM</a><br /> <br /> A happy morning - 구재영 <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B334FK" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B334FK" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B334FK</a><br /> Music Playlist by <a href="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" title="http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM" target='_blank'>http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM</a><br /> <br /> -----------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> ▣ 문의전화<br /> 코아루공인중개사사무소<br /> 등록번호: 제48310-2016-00016호<br /> 개업공인중개사: 하 효 주<br /> 소재지: 경남 거제시 일운면 지세포1길 27<br /> 문의전화: 055) 681-8822<br /> <br /> -----------------------------------------------<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822
Video date 2021/06/11 08:00
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[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822
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[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822
14:20[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822
[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822
📢부동산정보는 아래 (더보기)를 클릭해주세요 ^^
🌼거제도 전원주택, 촌집, 땅콩주택, 농막, 거제도땅, 토지, 펜션, 아파트
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓여기를 클릭하시면 보실수 있습니다.

⏩ [무료] 구독하기 - https://bit.ly/3g7cfqN
🔔네이버TV - https://tv.naver.com/gtvc
🔔블로그(거제도이선비) - https://blog.naver.com/ipip83

#우리부동산 #거제도펜션 #바다걸어서2분

📢 [전속중개]
▣ 위치: 경상남도 거제시 일운면 망치리

지목: 대
면적: 178㎡ ( 54.43py )
개별공시지가: 410,700원
(단위면적(㎡)당 산정가격임.)

▶ 건축물정보
대지면적: 178㎡ ( 54.43py )
연 면 적: 163.7㎡ ( 49.51py )
2층__ 80㎡(24)
건폐율 49.83% / 용적률 91.97%
주 용 도: 단독주택
구 조: 일반목구조
사용승인일자: 2005년 01월

▶ 계획관리지역

💎 매도의뢰금액: 2억9,500만원 💎


▣ 문의전화
등록번호: 제48310-2016-00016호
개업공인중개사: 하 효 주
소재지: 경남 거제시 일운면 지세포1길 27
문의전화: 055) 681-8822


📢BGM [음원출처표기]
✔️Track - Lions Deep - would you wait for me
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/li0nsd33p

✔️Track - Alexander Nakarada - Swingin Ballad
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios

✔️Track - Alexander Nakarada - For the Last Time
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/serpentsoundstudios

✔️Track - NottyVonDutch™ - Lofi & Chill
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/nottyvondutch

✔️Track - Dr.SonSet - Stop, Rest and Breathe
✔️YouTube - https://youtu.be/uEgpawaIBYQ

✔️Track - NEFFEX - Blow Up
✔️Soundcloud - http://bit.ly/NEFFEX_SC

✔️Track - DJ LeGenD - Again
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/djlegend04

✔️Track - DayFox&VladGluschenko - Waterfalls
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/dayfox

✔️Track - Vendredi - Landscape lover
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo

✔️Track - Roa - Walk Around
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031

✔️Track - Vendredi - A night in Paris
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo

✔️Track - VoiceMessage - Black Sea
✔️Soundcloud - https://www.soundcloud.com/voicemessage

✔️Track - 작곡일기 트리오 - Autumn Bossa
✔️YouTube - https://youtu.be/vmnnuyMQBIs

✔️Track - LiQWYD - Rosé Sky
✔️Soundcloud - https://www.soundcloud.com/liqwyd

✔️Track - Jarico - Island
✔️Soundcloud -https://soundcloud.com/jaricomusic

✔️Track - Le Gang - Mexicana en Lelé
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/thisislegang

★Track - Blue.P - Mist
➤LogSquare - https://youtu.be/qYlcmS6cgIk

✔️Track - Vexento - Space Ride
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/vexento/tracks

✔️Track - Yannic - Blush
✔️YouTube - https://youtu.be/qLVVxOsuUcc

✔️Track - The Inspiration - Inspiring Cinematic Music
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon

✔️로열티 프리 음악 작곡가 : Benjamin Tissot (Bensound라고도 함)

✔️Track - Scott Buckley - 'Ashes of a Fallen Year'
✔️Soundcloud - http://bit.ly/2iAj8Vy

✔️Track - TeknoAXE's - Warm by the Fire
✔️YouTube - https://youtu.be/tRObcSVCI-I

➤Track - Scott Buckley - growingup
➤Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley

➤Track - DizNiya - A Bloom
➤Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/niya90s

Snowy_Day3 by PeriTune | http://peritune.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

✔️Track - DayFox - Light_Palace
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/dayfox

✔️Track - 작곡하는김의홍 - '홍엽(紅葉)'
✔️YouTube - https://youtu.be/StWmPfUIBOY

✔️Track - Twisterium - Eternal Love
✔️Homepaage - https://www.patreon.com/twisterium

✔️Track - Will Brave - Inspiring Cinematic Music
✔️Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon

➤Track - DizNiya - A Bloom
➤Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/niya90s

➤Track - Khamix - Exura
➤Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/khamixmusic
➤나눔뮤직 - https://tv.naver.com/v/9398936

HOW ARE YOU - 김재영 http://reurl.kr/1992B32FHQ
Music Playlist by http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM

Morning Kiss - 김현정 http://reurl.kr/1992B330NO
Music Playlist by http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM

Standing on the mountain top - 임샛별 http://reurl.kr/1992B331ZJ
Music Playlist by http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM

고향의 봄 - 조은님 편곡 http://reurl.kr/1992B332QK
Music Playlist by http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM

On the hill - 임샛별 http://reurl.kr/1992B333EI
Music Playlist by http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM

A happy morning - 구재영 http://reurl.kr/1992B334FK
Music Playlist by http://reurl.kr/1992B33EPM


▣ 문의전화
등록번호: 제48310-2016-00016호
개업공인중개사: 하 효 주
소재지: 경남 거제시 일운면 지세포1길 27
문의전화: 055) 681-8822

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[no.169] 거제도펜션(전원주택) 바다조망 도보2분 해수욕장 [코아루부동산] 055-681-8822
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