Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1

Hi this is my take on a homemade table saw, router table and inverted jigsaw, I built all 3 into the same table to save on space<br /> I am very pleased with the results and would recommend making one yourself<br /> <br /> The table top is 100cm by 80cm, I didn’t use any specific measurements for the box I just built it round the tools. The tools I used are a Black and Decker circular saw KS64, a Bosch router POF 500A, and a Black and Decker jigsaw KS 633E<br /> <br /> During the build and filming allot of the cutting gluing and general preparation was done off camera to speed up the video<br /> <br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="0" title="Intro">00:00</span> Intro<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="27" title="Starting the build">00:27</span> Starting the build<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="108" title="Building the main box">01:48</span> Building the main box<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="171" title="Fitting flush rulers">02:51</span> Fitting flush rulers<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="280" title="Fitting the inverted jigsaw">04:40</span> Fitting the inverted jigsaw<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="373" title="Fitting the router">06:13</span> Fitting the router<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="537" title="Sorting out the electrics">08:57</span> Sorting out the electrics<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="594" title="Making the internal storage compartments">09:54</span> Making the internal storage compartments<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="643" title="Making the fence and runners">10:43</span> Making the fence and runners<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="730" title="Fitting the fence">12:10</span> Fitting the fence<br /> <span class="playtime" data-second="865" title="Testing">14:25</span> Testing<br /> <br /> Please consider donating by paypal as it will help fund future projects<br /> <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=93QPNNXVKMUBG" title="https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=93QPNNXVKMUBG" target='_blank'>https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=93QPNNXVKMUBG</a><br /> If you can’t donate please leave a comment, it really helps me out in the algorithm<br /> <br /> <br /> My camera gear<br /> <br /> Canon G7X <a href="http://goo.gl/hElOVh" title="http://goo.gl/hElOVh" target='_blank'>http://goo.gl/hElOVh</a> <br /> Canon 70D <a href="https://goo.gl/d8Rilm" title="https://goo.gl/d8Rilm" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/d8Rilm</a> <br /> Rode VIDEOMIC PRO <a href="https://goo.gl/9l8fvX" title="https://goo.gl/9l8fvX" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/9l8fvX</a><br /> Rode Deadcat Windshield <a href="https://goo.gl/tHTncw" title="https://goo.gl/tHTncw" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/tHTncw</a> <br /> Canon 10-22 lens <a href="https://goo.gl/A81rjM" title="https://goo.gl/A81rjM" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/A81rjM</a> <br /> Canon 18-200 lens <a href="https://goo.gl/MOInDa" title="https://goo.gl/MOInDa" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/MOInDa</a> <br /> GoPro HERO4 black <a href="https://goo.gl/dc8wez" title="https://goo.gl/dc8wez" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/dc8wez</a><br /> Joby GorillaPod <a href="https://goo.gl/Tz9aDn" title="https://goo.gl/Tz9aDn" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/Tz9aDn</a> <br /> XCSOURCE tripod <a href="https://goo.gl/nhOQmX" title="https://goo.gl/nhOQmX" target='_blank'>https://goo.gl/nhOQmX</a> <br /> <br /> &quot;Pulse&quot;<br /> Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)<br /> Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0<br /> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" title="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" target='_blank'>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/</a><i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1
Video date 2016/04/13 23:54
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Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1
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Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1
08:20마늘의 효능과 섭취방법
05:16고구마 의 놀라운 효능
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Deleted video
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14:59Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1
03:07[ENG] 쉽고간단ㅣ만병치료비용 ₩0원! 하루 2분이면돼! ㅣ 혈액순환,수족냉증, 시력회복,불면증, 당뇨, 다이어트
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16:06ENG)스쿼트가 어렵다면 브릿지부터!(feat.허리강화+골반교정+힙업 3in1) I 브릿지 자세, 효과
00:27Intro 01:21Starting the build 01:03Building the main box 01:49Fitting flush rulers 01:33Fitting the inverted jigsaw 02:44Fitting the router 00:57Sorting out the electrics 00:49Making the internal storage compartments 01:27Making the fence and runners 02:15Fitting the fence 00:34Testing
Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1
Hi this is my take on a homemade table saw, router table and inverted jigsaw, I built all 3 into the same table to save on space
I am very pleased with the results and would recommend making one yourself

The table top is 100cm by 80cm, I didn’t use any specific measurements for the box I just built it round the tools. The tools I used are a Black and Decker circular saw KS64, a Bosch router POF 500A, and a Black and Decker jigsaw KS 633E

During the build and filming allot of the cutting gluing and general preparation was done off camera to speed up the video

00:00 Intro
00:27 Starting the build
01:48 Building the main box
02:51 Fitting flush rulers
04:40 Fitting the inverted jigsaw
06:13 Fitting the router
08:57 Sorting out the electrics
09:54 Making the internal storage compartments
10:43 Making the fence and runners
12:10 Fitting the fence
14:25 Testing

Please consider donating by paypal as it will help fund future projects
If you can’t donate please leave a comment, it really helps me out in the algorithm

My camera gear

Canon G7X http://goo.gl/hElOVh
Canon 70D https://goo.gl/d8Rilm
Rode VIDEOMIC PRO https://goo.gl/9l8fvX
Rode Deadcat Windshield https://goo.gl/tHTncw
Canon 10-22 lens https://goo.gl/A81rjM
Canon 18-200 lens https://goo.gl/MOInDa
GoPro HERO4 black https://goo.gl/dc8wez
Joby GorillaPod https://goo.gl/Tz9aDn
XCSOURCE tripod https://goo.gl/nhOQmX

Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Homemade table saw with built in router and inverted jigsaw 3 in 1
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