PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course

Learn the PHP programming language in this full course / tutorial. The course is designed for new programmers, and will introduce common programming topics using the PHP language.<br /> <br /> ⭐️Course Contents ⭐️<br /> <br /> ⌨️ 1. (<span class="playtime" data-second="0" title="Introduction">0:00</span>) Introduction<br /> ⌨️ 2. (<span class="playtime" data-second="116" title="Windows Installation">1:56</span>) Windows Installation<br /> ⌨️ 3. (<span class="playtime" data-second="452" title="Choosing a Text Editor">7:32</span>) Choosing a Text Editor<br /> ⌨️ 4. (<span class="playtime" data-second="666" title="Hello World &amp;amp; Setup">11:06</span>) Hello World &amp; Setup<br /> ⌨️ 5. (<span class="playtime" data-second="1229" title="Writing HTML">20:29</span>) Writing HTML<br /> ⌨️ 6. (<span class="playtime" data-second="1650" title="⌨️ 6.">27:30</span>) Variables<br /> ⌨️ 7. (<span class="playtime" data-second="2289" title="Data Types">38:09</span>) Data Types<br /> ⌨️ 8. (<span class="playtime" data-second="2667" title="Working With Strings">44:27</span>) Working With Strings<br /> ⌨️ 9. (<span class="playtime" data-second="3290" title="Working With Numbers">54:50</span>) Working With Numbers<br /> ⌨️ 10. (<span class="playtime" data-second="3914" title="Getting User Input">1:05:14</span>) Getting User Input<br /> ⌨️ 11. (<span class="playtime" data-second="4537" title="Building a Basic Calculator">1:15:37</span>) Building a Basic Calculator<br /> ⌨️ 12. (<span class="playtime" data-second="4933" title="Building a Mad Libs Game">1:22:13</span>) Building a Mad Libs Game<br /> ⌨️ 13. (<span class="playtime" data-second="5339" title="URL Parameters">1:28:59</span>) URL Parameters<br /> ⌨️ 14. (<span class="playtime" data-second="5752" title="POST vs GET">1:35:52</span>) POST vs GET<br /> ⌨️ 15. (<span class="playtime" data-second="6104" title="⌨️ 15.">1:41:44</span>) Arrays<br /> ⌨️ 16. (<span class="playtime" data-second="6626" title="Using Checkboxes">1:50:26</span>) Using Checkboxes<br /> ⌨️ 17. (<span class="playtime" data-second="7042" title="Associative Arrays">1:57:22</span>) Associative Arrays<br /> ⌨️ 18. (<span class="playtime" data-second="7495" title="⌨️ 18.">2:04:55</span>) Functions<br /> ⌨️ 19. (<span class="playtime" data-second="7930" title="Return Statements">2:12:10</span>) Return Statements<br /> ⌨️ 20. (<span class="playtime" data-second="8350" title="If Statements">2:19:10</span>) If Statements<br /> ⌨️ 21. (<span class="playtime" data-second="9436" title="If Statements (con&amp;#039;t)">2:37:16</span>) If Statements (con&#039;t)<br /> ⌨️ 22. (<span class="playtime" data-second="10033" title="Building a Better Calculator">2:47:13</span>) Building a Better Calculator<br /> ⌨️ 23. (<span class="playtime" data-second="10613" title="Switch Statements">2:56:53</span>) Switch Statements<br /> ⌨️ 24. (<span class="playtime" data-second="11109" title="While Loops">3:05:09</span>) While Loops<br /> ⌨️ 25. (<span class="playtime" data-second="11718" title="⌨️ 25.">3:15:18</span>) For Loops<br /> ⌨️ 26. (<span class="playtime" data-second="12384" title="⌨️ 26.">3:26:24</span>) Comments<br /> ⌨️ 27. (<span class="playtime" data-second="12668" title="Including HTML">3:31:08</span>) Including HTML<br /> ⌨️ 28. (<span class="playtime" data-second="13011" title="Include: PHP">3:36:51</span>) Include: PHP<br /> ⌨️ 29. (<span class="playtime" data-second="13557" title="Classes &amp;amp; Objects">3:45:57</span>) Classes &amp; Objects<br /> ⌨️ 30. (<span class="playtime" data-second="14183" title="Constructors">3:56:23</span>) Constructors<br /> ⌨️ 31. (<span class="playtime" data-second="14778" title="Object Functions - PHP - Tutorial 31">4:06:18</span>) Object Functions - PHP - Tutorial 31<br /> ⌨️ 32. (<span class="playtime" data-second="15232" title="Getters &amp;amp; Setters">4:13:52</span>) Getters &amp; Setters<br /> ⌨️ 33. (<span class="playtime" data-second="16157" title="Inheritance">4:29:17</span>) Inheritance<br /> <br /> Course developed by Mike Dane. Check out his YouTube channel for more great programming courses: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /> 🐦Follow Mike on Twitter: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /> 🔗The Giraffe Academy website: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /> --<br /> <br /> Learn to code for free and get a developer job: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /> Read hundreds of articles on programming: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
Video date 2018/06/21 03:49
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PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
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PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
04:36:39PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
01:56Introduction 05:36Windows Installation 03:34Choosing a Text Editor 09:23Hello World & Setup 07:01Writing HTML 10:39⌨️ 6. 06:18Data Types 10:23Working With Strings 10:24Working With Numbers 10:23Getting User Input 06:36Building a Basic Calculator 06:46Building a Mad Libs Game 06:53URL Parameters 05:52POST vs GET 08:42⌨️ 15. 06:56Using Checkboxes 07:33Associative Arrays 07:15⌨️ 18. 07:00Return Statements 18:06If Statements 09:57If Statements (con't) 09:40Building a Better Calculator 08:16Switch Statements 10:09While Loops 11:06⌨️ 25. 04:44⌨️ 26. 05:43Including HTML 09:06Include: PHP 10:26Classes & Objects 09:55Constructors 07:34Object Functions - PHP - Tutorial 31 15:25Getters & Setters 07:22Inheritance
PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course
Learn the PHP programming language in this full course / tutorial. The course is designed for new programmers, and will introduce common programming topics using the PHP language.

⭐️Course Contents ⭐️

⌨️ 1. (0:00) Introduction
⌨️ 2. (1:56) Windows Installation
⌨️ 3. (7:32) Choosing a Text Editor
⌨️ 4. (11:06) Hello World & Setup
⌨️ 5. (20:29) Writing HTML
⌨️ 6. (27:30) Variables
⌨️ 7. (38:09) Data Types
⌨️ 8. (44:27) Working With Strings
⌨️ 9. (54:50) Working With Numbers
⌨️ 10. (1:05:14) Getting User Input
⌨️ 11. (1:15:37) Building a Basic Calculator
⌨️ 12. (1:22:13) Building a Mad Libs Game
⌨️ 13. (1:28:59) URL Parameters
⌨️ 14. (1:35:52) POST vs GET
⌨️ 15. (1:41:44) Arrays
⌨️ 16. (1:50:26) Using Checkboxes
⌨️ 17. (1:57:22) Associative Arrays
⌨️ 18. (2:04:55) Functions
⌨️ 19. (2:12:10) Return Statements
⌨️ 20. (2:19:10) If Statements
⌨️ 21. (2:37:16) If Statements (con't)
⌨️ 22. (2:47:13) Building a Better Calculator
⌨️ 23. (2:56:53) Switch Statements
⌨️ 24. (3:05:09) While Loops
⌨️ 25. (3:15:18) For Loops
⌨️ 26. (3:26:24) Comments
⌨️ 27. (3:31:08) Including HTML
⌨️ 28. (3:36:51) Include: PHP
⌨️ 29. (3:45:57) Classes & Objects
⌨️ 30. (3:56:23) Constructors
⌨️ 31. (4:06:18) Object Functions - PHP - Tutorial 31
⌨️ 32. (4:13:52) Getters & Setters
⌨️ 33. (4:29:17) Inheritance

Course developed by Mike Dane. Check out his YouTube channel for more great programming courses:

🐦Follow Mike on Twitter:

🔗The Giraffe Academy website:


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