본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ

리니지 월드로 여러분들을 초대합니다! 전투하는 리니지 1등 군주, 태산군주! <br /> 구독과 좋아요와 알람설정! 정말 감사합니다!<br /> <br /> ** 3원 생방송, 편하신 플랫폼에서 시청하세요 **<br /> 트위치 생방송🔴: <a href="https://www.twitch.tv/gksqkd1" title="https://www.twitch.tv/gksqkd1" target='_blank'>https://www.twitch.tv/gksqkd1</a><br /> 아프리카TV 생방송🔴: <a href="http://play.afreecatv.com/gksqkd" title="http://play.afreecatv.com/gksqkd" target='_blank'>http://play.afreecatv.com/gksqkd</a><br /> 그리고, 유튜브 구독: <br /> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1" title="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1" target='_blank'>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1</a><br /> <br /> 👑 당신을 태산군주TV VIP로 모십니다!!<br /> <br /> 태산군주 유튜브 VIP 멤버십: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw/join" title="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw/join" target='_blank'>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw/join</a><br /> <br /> 태산군주 투네이션 방송 후원: <br /> <a href="https://toon.at/donate/636823583132498233" title="https://toon.at/donate/636823583132498233" target='_blank'>https://toon.at/donate/636823583132498233</a><br /> <br /> ▶네이버TV 구독: <a href="https://tv.naver.com/xotksrnswn" title="https://tv.naver.com/xotksrnswn" target='_blank'>https://tv.naver.com/xotksrnswn</a><br /> ▶유튜브 구독 : <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1" title="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1" target='_blank'>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1</a><br /> ▶아프리카 채널 Afreeca Blog Page: <a href="http://www.afreecatv.com/gksqkd" title="http://www.afreecatv.com/gksqkd" target='_blank'>http://www.afreecatv.com/gksqkd</a><br /> <br /> ▶태산군주의 장비 리스트: <a href="https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%83%9C%EC%82%B0%EA%B5%B0%EC%A3%BC#s-5" title="https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%83%9C%EC%82%B0%EA%B5%B0%EC%A3%BC#s-5" target='_blank'>https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%83%9C%EC%82%B0%EA%B5%B0%EC%A3%BC#s-5</a><br /> <br /> ▶리니지 리마스터 홈페이지 <br /> Lineage Remastered Official Website: <a href="http://lineage.plaync.com" title="http://lineage.plaync.com" target='_blank'>http://lineage.plaync.com</a><br /> ▶신규/복귀 용사 가이드: <a href="https://lineage.plaync.com/service/beginner/index" title="https://lineage.plaync.com/service/beginner/index" target='_blank'>https://lineage.plaync.com/service/beginner/index</a><br /> ▶플레이서포트(PSS) 가이드: <a href="https://lineage.plaync.com/board/pssguide/list?categoryId=0" title="https://lineage.plaync.com/board/pssguide/list?categoryId=0" target='_blank'>https://lineage.plaync.com/board/pssguide/list?categoryId=0</a><br /> <br /> -BGM-<br /> <br /> We Are One by Vexento <br /> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento" title="https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento" target='_blank'>https://www.youtube.com/user/Vexento</a><br /> <a href="https://soundcloud.com/vexento" title="https://soundcloud.com/vexento" target='_blank'>https://soundcloud.com/vexento</a> <br /> Music promoted by Audio Library <a href="https://youtu.be/Ssvu2yncgWU" title="https://youtu.be/Ssvu2yncgWU" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/Ssvu2yncgWU</a><br /> ONLAP - Everywhere I Go<br /> Music promoted by ONLAP <a href="https://youtu.be/4R8EDBkjcZQ" title="https://youtu.be/4R8EDBkjcZQ" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/4R8EDBkjcZQ</a><br /> ONLAP - The Awakening<br /> Music promoted by ONLAP <a href="https://youtu.be/VY7Gfpf29nA" title="https://youtu.be/VY7Gfpf29nA" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/VY7Gfpf29nA</a><br /> ONLAP - Fight Like The Devil<br /> Music promoted by ONLAP <a href="https://youtu.be/fjdThKQ6TYk" title="https://youtu.be/fjdThKQ6TYk" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/fjdThKQ6TYk</a><br /> ONLAP - Miracle (OFFICIAL VIDEO clip 2019 new song)<br /> Music promoted by ONLAP <a href="https://youtu.be/hw75vNko5G8" title="https://youtu.be/hw75vNko5G8" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/hw75vNko5G8</a><br /> <br /> * Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.<br /> <br /> Disfigure - Blank [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/p7ZsBPK656s" title="https://youtu.be/p7ZsBPK656s" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/p7ZsBPK656s</a><br /> Tobu - Hope [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/EP625xQIGzs" title="https://youtu.be/EP625xQIGzs" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/EP625xQIGzs</a><br /> Spektrem - Shine [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/n4tK7LYFxI0" title="https://youtu.be/n4tK7LYFxI0" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/n4tK7LYFxI0</a><br /> Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning) [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/3nQNiWdeH2Q" title="https://youtu.be/3nQNiWdeH2Q" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/3nQNiWdeH2Q</a><br /> Tobu &amp; Syndec - Dusk [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/lD4ZIzosp_c" title="https://youtu.be/lD4ZIzosp_c" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/lD4ZIzosp_c</a><br /> EMDI - Hurts Like This (feat. Veronica Bravo) [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/Bs-vvOAWXqs" title="https://youtu.be/Bs-vvOAWXqs" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/Bs-vvOAWXqs</a> <br /> 3rd Prototype - Renegade (feat. Harley Bird &amp; Valentina Franco) [NCS Release] <a href="https://youtu.be/7mghPZOCvKk" title="https://youtu.be/7mghPZOCvKk" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/7mghPZOCvKk</a><br /> ROY KNOX - Earthquake [NCS Release] Watch: <a href="https://youtu.be/z_m0wtLMfdU" title="https://youtu.be/z_m0wtLMfdU" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/z_m0wtLMfdU</a><br /> Raven &amp; Kreyn - In The Air [NCS Release] Video Link: <a href="https://youtu.be/63kmMcHBQlA" title="https://youtu.be/63kmMcHBQlA" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/63kmMcHBQlA</a><br /> Asketa &amp; Natan Chaim x Requenze x M.I.M.E - Warriors [NCS Release]<br /> Watch: <a href="https://youtu.be/dVWlxP_Iu-4" title="https://youtu.be/dVWlxP_Iu-4" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/dVWlxP_Iu-4</a> <br /> Syn Cole - Gizmo [NCS Release] Watch: <a href="https://youtu.be/pZzSq8WfsKo" title="https://youtu.be/pZzSq8WfsKo" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/pZzSq8WfsKo</a><br /> Track: Midranger - Unrequited (feat. Holly Drummond) [NCS Release]<br /> Watch: <a href="https://youtu.be/WLxStE2RFZg" title="https://youtu.be/WLxStE2RFZg" target='_blank'>https://youtu.be/WLxStE2RFZg</a><br /> <br /> * Other Music purchased and provided by Epidemic Sound.<br /> * 실시간 방송시 노래제목 문의는 답해드리지 않으며 신청곡 또한 받지 않습니다.<br /> * 방송진행에 방해되는 채팅은 경고없이 삭제 됩니다.<br /> <br /> All rights reserved® Made by YOUTUBE Taesan Goonju.<br /> <br /> #리니지#군주#에르자베#뽑기왕태산#똥손#섭섭#태산군주#에르자베#리니지_리마스터#전설프라임군주#리니지1#전서버1등_군주#사신의검#10반방#지배변반#미티어검#Top_1_Prince#天堂R#泰山君主#天堂韓版#TianTang#Korean_Official_Server#リネージュ #피니지<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ
Video date 2019/02/14 17:25
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본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ
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본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ
05:58본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ
00:55pm 방송시작 ▷ 02:35pm 공성전 ▷ 01:00pm 기란 무한대전 ▷ 05:32pm 오만보스타임
본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ
리니지 월드로 여러분들을 초대합니다! 전투하는 리니지 1등 군주, 태산군주!
구독과 좋아요와 알람설정! 정말 감사합니다!

** 3원 생방송, 편하신 플랫폼에서 시청하세요 **
트위치 생방송🔴: https://www.twitch.tv/gksqkd1
아프리카TV 생방송🔴: http://play.afreecatv.com/gksqkd
그리고, 유튜브 구독:

👑 당신을 태산군주TV VIP로 모십니다!!

태산군주 유튜브 VIP 멤버십: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw/join

태산군주 투네이션 방송 후원:

▶네이버TV 구독: https://tv.naver.com/xotksrnswn
▶유튜브 구독 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6XT8vGekOuAAPXVVq2eAw?sub_confirmation=1
▶아프리카 채널 Afreeca Blog Page: http://www.afreecatv.com/gksqkd

▶태산군주의 장비 리스트: https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%83%9C%EC%82%B0%EA%B5%B0%EC%A3%BC#s-5

▶리니지 리마스터 홈페이지
Lineage Remastered Official Website: http://lineage.plaync.com
▶신규/복귀 용사 가이드: https://lineage.plaync.com/service/beginner/index
▶플레이서포트(PSS) 가이드: https://lineage.plaync.com/board/pssguide/list?categoryId=0


We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/Ssvu2yncgWU
ONLAP - Everywhere I Go
Music promoted by ONLAP https://youtu.be/4R8EDBkjcZQ
ONLAP - The Awakening
Music promoted by ONLAP https://youtu.be/VY7Gfpf29nA
ONLAP - Fight Like The Devil
Music promoted by ONLAP https://youtu.be/fjdThKQ6TYk
ONLAP - Miracle (OFFICIAL VIDEO clip 2019 new song)
Music promoted by ONLAP https://youtu.be/hw75vNko5G8

* Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Disfigure - Blank [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/p7ZsBPK656s
Tobu - Hope [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/EP625xQIGzs
Spektrem - Shine [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/n4tK7LYFxI0
Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning) [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/3nQNiWdeH2Q
Tobu & Syndec - Dusk [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/lD4ZIzosp_c
EMDI - Hurts Like This (feat. Veronica Bravo) [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/Bs-vvOAWXqs
3rd Prototype - Renegade (feat. Harley Bird & Valentina Franco) [NCS Release] https://youtu.be/7mghPZOCvKk
ROY KNOX - Earthquake [NCS Release] Watch: https://youtu.be/z_m0wtLMfdU
Raven & Kreyn - In The Air [NCS Release] Video Link: https://youtu.be/63kmMcHBQlA
Asketa & Natan Chaim x Requenze x M.I.M.E - Warriors [NCS Release]
Watch: https://youtu.be/dVWlxP_Iu-4
Syn Cole - Gizmo [NCS Release] Watch: https://youtu.be/pZzSq8WfsKo
Track: Midranger - Unrequited (feat. Holly Drummond) [NCS Release]
Watch: https://youtu.be/WLxStE2RFZg

* Other Music purchased and provided by Epidemic Sound.
* 실시간 방송시 노래제목 문의는 답해드리지 않으며 신청곡 또한 받지 않습니다.
* 방송진행에 방해되는 채팅은 경고없이 삭제 됩니다.

All rights reserved® Made by YOUTUBE Taesan Goonju.

#리니지#군주#에르자베#뽑기왕태산#똥손#섭섭#태산군주#에르자베#리니지_리마스터#전설프라임군주#리니지1#전서버1등_군주#사신의검#10반방#지배변반#미티어검#Top_1_Prince#天堂R#泰山君主#天堂韓版#TianTang#Korean_Official_Server#リネージュ #피니지
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본서버에 심각한 버그 발생!! 프리서버처럼 경험치를 내어준 NC!! 난리난 유저들!! [리니지 태산군주] 泰山君主 Lineage 天堂 リネージュ
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