How to Read Tarot Cards

Full Playlist: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> -<br /> -<br /> Watch more Chakras, Energy, &amp; Psychic Powers videos: <a href="" title="" target='_blank'></a><br /> <br /> Learning how to read these ancient cards may help you divine the future – or at least amuse party guests.<br /> <br /> Step 1: Get a deck<br /> Get a deck of tarot cards. There are many different kinds, but the popular Rider-Waite tarot deck is the one recommended for beginners. <br /> <br /> Step 2: Learn each card&#039;s meaning<br /> Read the booklet that comes with a new deck to learn the standard meaning of each card. Tarot cards are divided into major arcana or &quot;greater secrets&quot; and minor arcana, meaning lesser secrets. Major arcana represent forces outside our control, while minor arcana represent that which we have the power to change. <br /> <br /> Tip<br /> Major arcana cards are usually marked with Roman numerals; minor arcana cards are divided into four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. <br /> <br /> Step 3: Shuffle the cards well<br /> Shuffle the cards well; then cut the deck as the person whose fortune you are about to read asks the first question. <br /> <br /> Step 4: Lay down four cards<br /> Lay down four cards in a diamond pattern. The top card represents romance; moving clockwise, the next card relates to finances, followed by the card for health and happiness and finally the career card. Different spreads involving more cards can be used as you become more experienced. <br /> <br /> Step 5: Turn over the first card<br /> Turn over the cards and note the direction of the picture. If it&#039;s facing the reader, it&#039;s a positive card, representing good things. If the design is upside down or reversed, it&#039;s a negative card, representing conflict. <br /> <br /> Step 6: Get the whole picture<br /> Interpret the cards. Don&#039;t just analyze what the cards mean individually, but what message they convey when viewed as a whole. <br /> <br /> Tip<br /> Major arcana cards carry more weight than minor arcana, which are meant to clarify the bigger picture. <br /> <br /> Step 7: Practice<br /> Keep a record of your readings. It helps you refine your craft by keeping tabs on when you were right and when you might have misinterpreted the cards. <br /> <br /> Did You Know?<br /> Tarot cards originated in 15th-century Italy, where they were used as playing cards.<i class="fa fa-language transViewIcon clickable" title="Translation"></i>

How to Read Tarot Cards
Video date 2010/04/30 21:04
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How to Read Tarot Cards
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How to Read Tarot Cards
02:11How to Read Tarot Cards
How to Read Tarot Cards
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Learning how to read these ancient cards may help you divine the future – or at least amuse party guests.

Step 1: Get a deck
Get a deck of tarot cards. There are many different kinds, but the popular Rider-Waite tarot deck is the one recommended for beginners.

Step 2: Learn each card's meaning
Read the booklet that comes with a new deck to learn the standard meaning of each card. Tarot cards are divided into major arcana or "greater secrets" and minor arcana, meaning lesser secrets. Major arcana represent forces outside our control, while minor arcana represent that which we have the power to change.

Major arcana cards are usually marked with Roman numerals; minor arcana cards are divided into four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles.

Step 3: Shuffle the cards well
Shuffle the cards well; then cut the deck as the person whose fortune you are about to read asks the first question.

Step 4: Lay down four cards
Lay down four cards in a diamond pattern. The top card represents romance; moving clockwise, the next card relates to finances, followed by the card for health and happiness and finally the career card. Different spreads involving more cards can be used as you become more experienced.

Step 5: Turn over the first card
Turn over the cards and note the direction of the picture. If it's facing the reader, it's a positive card, representing good things. If the design is upside down or reversed, it's a negative card, representing conflict.

Step 6: Get the whole picture
Interpret the cards. Don't just analyze what the cards mean individually, but what message they convey when viewed as a whole.

Major arcana cards carry more weight than minor arcana, which are meant to clarify the bigger picture.

Step 7: Practice
Keep a record of your readings. It helps you refine your craft by keeping tabs on when you were right and when you might have misinterpreted the cards.

Did You Know?
Tarot cards originated in 15th-century Italy, where they were used as playing cards.
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